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丽莎Ghormley serves as the 副院长 for the College of 教育 at University of Phoenix. She has accumulated over 25 years of experience in education, 其中12年在接受高等教育. Starting her career as an elementary classroom teacher and quickly rose to the level of Master Teacher. These experiences in education provided Ghormley with much insight into her current role in the College of 教育. 

戈姆利监督设计, development and management of College of 教育 programs and course curriculum to ensure the highest academic integrity using principles of instructional design, 学生学习成果评估数据, 法规要求和教师专业知识. 工作ing as the administrative head of the college's initial teacher preparation programs, Ghormley also coordinates projects internally and externally with faculty, multiple colleges and departments within the university and with various external stakeholders to maintain program rigor and authenticity. 

My teaching philosophy centers on the belief that every student brings unique value to the classroom.


My teaching philosophy centers on the belief that every student brings unique value to the classroom.

Ghormley also serves as the edTPA Coordinator for the College of 教育. edTPA是基于绩效的, subject-specific assessment and support system for students who reside in states that it is needed for teacher licensure. 

Ghormley’s passion for education began with her initial role as a classroom teacher. She taught 3rd and 4th grade, worked as a Master Teacher and then moved into higher education. 以前在大学里的工作, Lisa has managed program and curriculum development processes for undergraduate and graduate education programs within the College of 教育.  

Ghormley has a bachelor’s in elementary education from Grand Canyon University and a master’s in educational leadership from Northern Arizona University. Ghormley has worked on a Doctorate in 教育al 领导 with an emphasis in Higher 教育 (course work completed) from Northern Arizona University.

My teaching philosophy centers on the belief that every student brings unique value to the classroom.


My teaching philosophy centers on the belief that every student brings unique value to the classroom.


  • 培养准备充分的教师, emphasizing the development of comprehensive strategies to enhance their effectiveness in the classroom and contribute to positive educational outcomes. 
  • Identifying optimal strategies to facilitate student success, focusing on effective methodologies that ensure graduation and empower individuals to evolve into exceptional teachers. 


  • Ghormley L. Bartley,. 和P .罗格曼. (2023年4月)穿着睡衣进行专业学习? Professional learning experiences for distance learners.  OLC创新大会,纳什维尔,田纳西州. 
  • Ghormley L. Bartley,. 和P .罗格曼. (June 2022) Re-thinking clinical practice: What 2020 taught teacher preparation.  NASDTEC会议,波士顿,马萨诸塞州. 
  • Ghormley L. Bartley,. 和P .罗格曼. (November 2022) Re-thinking professional learning experiences: How 2020 accelerated virtual teaching and learning.  OLC加速会议,奥兰多,佛罗里达州. 
  • Ghormley L. Januse, J.  (2020年6月)掌握edTPA的关键学习. 公司的虚拟暑期学院.   
  • Ghormley L. (2020年4月)如何让你的孩子在家忙碌. UOPX网络研讨会. 
  • Ghormley L. 和P .罗格曼. (March 2020) Key learnings from upscaling edTPA:  An out of state provider’s journey to preparing teachers in the online modality.  National edTPA Implementation Conference, Austin, TX.  因Covid-19取消 
  • Ghormley L. 和P .罗格曼. (February 2019) A dispositional approach to addressing teacher retention.  AACTE会议,亚特兰大,佐治亚州. 
  • Ghormley L. 和P .罗格曼. (June 2019) A dispositional approach to addressing teacher retention.  NASDTEC会议,丹佛,CO. 
  • Ghormley L. 和P .罗格曼. (February 2019) A dispositional approach to addressing teacher retention.  AACTE会议,路易斯维尔,肯塔基州. 
  • Ghormley L. 布洛克,D. (October 2018) 支持ing edTPA faculty and cooperating teachers: An online provider preparing faculty and cooperating teachers to support preservice teacher with edTPA.  National edTPA Implementation Conference, San Jose, CA. 
  • Ghormley L. 和P .罗格曼. (January 2018) Measured efforts toward teacher retention in alternative certification.  泰德·安德鲁斯冬季研讨会,圣地亚哥,加州. 
  • Ghormley L. 布洛克,D. (October 2017) Key learnings from upscaling edTPA: an out of state provider’s journey to preparing teachers. National edTPA Implementation Conference, San Jose, CA. 
  • Ghormley L. 和P .罗格曼. (April 2017) Key learnings from upscaling edTPA: an out of state provider’s journey to preparing teachers. Southeastern edTPA Implementation Conference, Raleigh, NC. 
  • Ghormley L. 和P .罗格曼. (March 2017) Measured efforts toward teacher retention and alternative certification.  NAAC会议,圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州. 
  • Ghormley L. 和P .罗格曼. (December 2016) Key learnings from upscaling edTPA: an out of state provider’s journey to preparing teachers in GA. edTPA实施会议,梅肯,乔治亚州. 
  • Ghormley L. 和P .罗格曼. (June 2016) Not all alternative certification students are created equal: Creating a pre-assessment portfolio of effective teaching. NASDTEC会议,费城,宾夕法尼亚州. 
  • Ghormley L. 和P .罗格曼. (March 2016) edTPA and the community college transfer.  NACCTEP会议,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州.  
  • Ghormley L. 和P .罗格曼. (March 2016) Not all alt cert students are created equal.  NAAC会议,新奥尔良,洛杉矶. 
  • Ghormley L. 和P .罗格曼. (December 2015) Pre-assessment and the alternative certificate.  推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜,檀香山,夏威夷州. 
  • Ghormley L. 和P .罗格曼. (March 2015) Alternative route educators: Impacting school and student success. NAAC会议,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州. 
  • Ghormley L. (2015年2月)edTPA实施之旅. Presentation held at University of Phoenix for visiting higher education institutions. 
  • Ghormley L. 史密斯,年代. 和P .罗格曼. (October 2014) Linking programmatic accreditation to the development of teacher performance assessments. CAEP会议,华盛顿特区. 
  • 弗莱明,. 和戈姆利·L. (2013年8月). 辅导和指导.  网上研讨会. 


Ghormley also serves as the Faculty Supervisor for College of 教育 student teachers. 


  • Ghormley L. 和P .罗格曼. (September 2020) Are you prepared to be your child’s teacher? 所有州保险. 在线 
  • Ghormley L. 和P .罗格曼. (July 2020) Are you prepared to be your child’s teacher? 凯利临时服务. 在线